
 I want to know something... It is okay export the AoE discs to the virtual 
OpenSolaris machine through dom0?

 For example, in dom0 I'd like to have:

from node01 via AoE to dom0 -> opensolaris01 domU
500G /dev/ether/e1.0 (c3d1 /xpvd/x...@1)
500G /dev/ether/e1.1 (c3d2 /xpvd/x...@2)

from node02 via AoE to dom0 -> opensolaris01 domU
500G /dev/ether/e2.0 (c3d3 /xpvd/x...@3)
500G /dev/ether/e2.1 (c3d4 /xpvd/x...@4)

from node03 via AoE to dom0 -> opensolaris01 domU
500G /dev/ether/e3.0 (c3d5 /xpvd/x...@5)
500G /dev/ether/e3.1 (c3d6 /xpvd/x...@6)
from node07 via AoE to dom0 -> opensolaris01 domU
500G /dev/ether/e7.0 (c3d5 /xpvd/x...@13)
500G /dev/ether/e7.1 (c3d6 /xpvd/x...@14)

 The AoE devices will appear as discs in the virtual OpenSolaris machine, then 
I can make my big ZFS pool and export it via iSCSI/NFS/SMB using another dom0 
ethernet interface...

 The AoE arrives to dom0 via eth1 and appear as discs in opensolaris01 domU, 
and then, the pool is exported as iSCSI, etc, via opensolaris01 xnf0 interface 
-bridged to- eth0 of the dom0.


----- "Sriram Narayanan" <sri...@belenix.org> escreveu:

> On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Thiago C. M. Cordeiro | World Web
> <thiago.mart...@worldweb.com.br> wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> >  Today I have ten computers with Xen and Linux, each with 2 discs of
> 500G in raid1, each node sees only its own raid1 volume, I do not have
> live motion of my virtual machines... and moving the data from one
> hypervisor to another is a pain task...
> >
> >  Now that I discovered this awesome file system! I want that the ZFS
> manages all my discs in a network environment.
> >
> >  But I don't know the best way to make a pool using all my 20 discs
> in one big pool with 10T of capacity.
> >
> >  My first contact with Solaris, was with the OpenSolaris 2008.11, as
> a virtual machine (paravirtual domU) on a Linux (Debian 5.0) dom0. I
> also have more opensolaris on real machines to make the tests...
> >
> >  I'm thinking in export all my 20 discs, through the AoE protocol,
> and in my dom0 that I'm running the opensolaris domU (in HA through
> the Xen), I will make the configuration file for it (zfs01.cfg) with
> 20 block devices of 500G and inside the opensolaris domu, I will share
> the pool via iSCSI targets and/or NFS back to the domUs of my
> cluster...  Is this a good idea?
> I share a three disk pool over NFS for some VMWare ESXi based
> hosting.
> There is considerably high disk I/O caused by the apps that run on
> these VMs. ZFS + NFS is working fine for me.
> I intend to experiment with iSCSI later when I free up some machines
> for such an experiment.
> -- Sriram
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