On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 3:35 PM, "C. Bergström" <cbergst...@netsyncro.com>wrote:

> For reasons which I don't care about Sun may not apply to be a gsoc
> organization this year.  However, I'm not discouraged from trying to propose
> some exciting zfs related ideas.  On/off list feel free to send your vote,
> let me know if you can mentor or if you know a company that could use it.
> Here's more or less what I've collected...
>  1) Excess ditto block removing + other green-bytes zfs+ features - *open
> source* (very hard.. can't be done in two months)
>  2) raidz boot support (planning phase and suitable student already found.
> could use more docs/info for proposal)
>  3) Additional zfs compression choices (good for archiving non-text files?
>  4) zfs cli interface to add safety checks  (save your butt from deleting a
> pool worth more than your job)
>  5) Web or gui based admin interface
>  6) zfs defrag (was mentioned by someone working around petabytes of
> data..)
>  7) vdev evacuation as an upgrade path (which may depend or take advantage
> of zfs resize/shrink code)
>  8) zfs restore/repair tools (being worked on already?)
>  9) Timeslider ported to kde4.2 ( *cough* couldn't resist, but put this on
> the list)
>  10) Did I miss something..
> #2 Currently planning and collecting as much information for the proposal
> as possible.  Today all ufs + solaris grub2 issues were resolved and will
> likely be committed to upstream soon.  There is a one liner fix in the
> solaris kernel also needed, but that can be binary hacked worst case.
> #5/9 This also may be possible for an outside project.. either web showcase
> or tighter desktop integration..
> The rest may just be too difficult in a two month period, not something
> which can go upstream or not enough time to really plan well enough..  Even
> if this isn't done for gsoc it may still be possible for the community to
> pursue some of these..
> To be a mentor will most likely require answering daily/weekly technical
> questions, ideally being on irc and having patience.  On top of this I'll be
> available to help as much as technically possible, keep the student
> motivated and the projects on schedule.
> ./Christopher

I know plenty of "home users" would like the ability to add a single disk to
a raid-z vdev in order to grow a disk at a time.

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