On 02/24/09 12:57, Christopher Mera wrote:
How is it that flash archives can avoid these headaches?
Are we sure that they do avoid this headache? A flash archive
(on ufs root) is created by doing a cpio of the root file system.
Could a cpio end up archiving a file that was mid-way through
an SQLite2 transaction?
Ultimately I'm doing this to clone ZFS root systems because at the moment Flash
Archives are UFS only.
-----Original Message-----
From: Brent Jones [mailto:br...@servuhome.net]
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 2:49 PM
To: Christopher Mera
Cc: Mattias Pantzare; Nicolas Williams; zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org
Subject: Re: [zfs-discuss] zfs streams & data corruption
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Christopher Mera <cm...@reliantsec.net> wrote:
Thanks for your responses..
And I'd have to do that for every system that I'd want to clone? There
must be a simpler way.. perhaps I'm missing something.
Well, unless the database software itself can "notice" a snapshot
taking place, and flush all data to disk, pause transactions until the
snapshot is finished, then properly resume, I don't know what to tell
It's an issue for all databases, Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL... how to do an
atomic backup, without stopping transactions, and maintaining
Replication is on possible solution, dumping to a file periodically is
one, or just tolerating that your database will not be consistent
after a snapshot and have to replay logs / consistency check it after
bringing it up from a snapshot.
Once you figure that out in a filesystem agnostic way, you'll be a
wealthy person indeed.
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