On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 11:31 AM, David Dyer-Bennet <d...@dd-b.net> wrote:
> On Thu, February 12, 2009 10:10, Ross wrote:
> > Of course, that does assume that devices are being truthful when they say
> > that data has been committed, but a little data loss from badly designed
> > hardware is I feel acceptable, so long as ZFS can have a go at recovering
> > corrupted pools when it does happen, instead of giving up completely like
> > it does now.
> Well; not "acceptable" as such.  But I'd agree it's outside ZFS's purview.
>  The blame for data lost due to hardware actively lying and not working to
> spec goes to the hardware vendor, not to ZFS.
> If ZFS could easily and reliably warn about such hardware I'd want it to,
> but the consensus seems to be that we don't have a reliable qualification
> procedure.  In terms of upselling people to a Sun storage solution, having
> ZFS diagnose problems with their cheap hardware early is clearly desirable
> :-).

Right, well I can't imagine it's impossible to write a small app that can
test whether or not drives are honoring correctly by issuing a commit and
immediately reading back to see if it was indeed committed or not.  Like a
"zfs test cXtX".  Of course, then you can't just blame the hardware
everytime something in zfs breaks ;)

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