Hello Andrew,

Sunday, February 8, 2009, 8:46:24 PM, you wrote:

AG> Neil Perrin wrote:
>> On 02/08/09 11:50, Vincent Fox wrote:
>>> So I have read in the ZFS Wiki:
>>> #  The minimum size of a log device is the same as the minimum size of 
>>> device in
>>> pool, which is 64 Mbytes. The amount of in-play data that might be stored 
>>> on a log
>>> device is relatively small. Log blocks are freed when the log transaction 
>>> (system call)
>>> is committed.
>>> # The maximum size of a log device should be approximately 1/2 the size of 
>>> physical
>>> memory because that is the maximum amount of potential in-play data that 
>>> can be stored.
>>> For example, if a system has 16 Gbytes of physical memory, consider a 
>>> maximum log device
>>> size of 8 Gbytes. 
>>> What is the downside of over-large log device?
>> - Wasted disk space.
>>> Let's say I have  a 3310 with 10 older 72-gig 10K RPM drives and RAIDZ2 
>>> them.
>>> Then I throw an entire 72-gig 15K RPM drive in as slog.
>>> What is behind this maximum size recommendation?
>> - Just guidance on what might be used in the most stressed environment.
>> Personally I've never seen anything like the maximum used but it's
>> theoretically possible. 

AG> Just thinking out loud here, but given such a disk (i.e. one which is 
AG> bigger than required), I might be inclined to slice it up, creating a 
AG> slice for the log at the outer edge of the disk. The outer edge of the
AG> disk has the highest data rate, and by effectively constraining the head
AG> movement to only a portion of the whole disk, average seek times should
AG> be significantly improved (not to mention fewer seeks due to more 
AG> data/cylinder at the outer edge). The log can't be using the write 
AG> cache, so the normal penalty for not using the write cache when not 
AG> giving the whole disk to ZFS is irrelevant in this case. By allocating,
AG> say, a 32GB slice from the outer edge of a 72GB disk, you should get 
AG> really good performance. If you turn out not to need anything like 32GB,
AG> then making it smaller will make it even faster (depending how ZFS 
AG> allocates space on a log device, which I don't know). Obviously, don't
AG> use the rest of the disk in order to achieve this performance.

1. zfs by default will end-up utilizing outer regions of disk drive so
there is no point slicing a lun in this case

2. the log definitely can use cache if it is nv one.

  of course in such a case there is a good question if one 15k disk
  behind 3510 for several 10k disks does make sense at all?

btw: IIRC on 3510 you need to disable cache flushes in zfs and make
sure that a disk array will switch to WT mode if one of a controlers
or batteries fail

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:mi...@task.gda.pl

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