On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 1:55 AM, Will Murnane <will.murn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 23:00, Will Murnane <will.murn...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > *sigh*  The 9010b is ordered.  Ground shipping, unfortunately, but
> > eventually I'll post my impressions of it.
> Well, the drive arrived today.  It's as nice-looking as it appears in
> the pictures, and building a zpool out of it alone makes for some
> speedy I/O.
> That said, I can't test it nearly as well as I'd hoped because a
> feature I had assumed was present isn't: you can't take a pool with a
> log device of size A and replace the log device with one of size B <
> A.  So my pool, with its 8gb log device, can't use the ACARD device
> unless I find 8GB of memory somewhere.  I am willing to play with
> development bits if someone can get me ZFS that knows how to remove
> log devices; I have a backup of all my data.
> I did find [1], which suggests that one can cause a log device to fail
> and then cause it to be removed from the pool, but I'd rather not try
> this---backups or no, restoring from them takes a long time.  I did
> try booting without the log device plugged in, but this caused the
> system to go into maintenance mode and not boot.  Any other
> suggestions of ways around this?
> Will
> [1]: http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/817-2271/ghbxs?a=view


I wouldn't think grabbing 8GB memory would be a big deal after dropping that
much on the controller??


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