On February 8, 2009 12:04:22 AM +0530 Sriram Narayanan <sri...@belenix.org> 
>> From the presentation "ZFS - The last word in filesystems", Page 22
>       "In a multi-disk pool, ZFS survives any non-consecutive disk failures"
> Questions:
> If I have a 3 disk RAIDZ with disks A, B and C, then:
> - if disk b fails, then will I be able to continue to read data if
> disks A and C are still available ?

yes.  raidz allows for 1 disk failure.

> If I have a 4 disk RAIDZ with disks A, B, C, and D, then:
> - if disks a and b fail, then I won't be able to read from the mirror
> any more. Is this understanding correct ?

what mirror?  there is no mirror.  you have a raidz.  you can have 1
disk failure.

> - if disks a and c fail, then I will be be able to read from disks b
> and d. Is this understanding correct ?

no.  you will lose all the data if 2 disks fail.

The part of the slides you are referring to is in reference to ditto
blocks, which allow failure of PARTS of a SINGLE disk.

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