I am having a problem that I am hoping someone might have some insight in
to.  I am running a x4500 with solaris 5.10 and a zfs filesystem named
nasPool.  I am also running NetBackup on the box as well...server and client
all in one.  I have had this up and running for sometime now and recently
ran in to a problem that Netbackup, running as root, cannot seem to write to
a directory backup and its subdirectories on the zfs filesystem.  The
directory backup has ownership of backup:backup and at this point also has
perms of 777 (did that while trying to figure out this issue).  Netbackup
cannot write to those directories any longer.

Any insight in to this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.
Matthew Arguin
Production Support
Jackpotrewards, Inc.
275 Grove St
Newton, MA 02466
617-795-2850 x 2325

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