On January 30, 2009 1:31:46 PM -0800 Frank Cusack <fcus...@fcusack.com> 
> apparently if you don't order a J4200 with drives, you just get filler
> sleds that won't accept a hard drive.  (had to look at a parts breakdown
> on sunsolve to figure this out -- the docs should simply make this clear.)
> it looks like the sled that will accept a drive is part #570-1182.
> anyone know how i could order 12 of these?

nevermind, i will just get a Promise array.

it's great that zfs allows us to take advantage of cheap disk.  sad that
Sun is still not competitive at the low end of the market.  it's not clear
to me who would buy a low end JBOD (4200/4400) yet want to pay 5x market
price for disks.  (in my case, reuse my current disks.)

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