>>>>> "js" == Jakov Sosic <jso...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>>> "tt" == Toby Thain <t...@telegraphics.com.au> writes:

    js> Yes but that will do the complete resilvering, and I just want
    js> to fix the corrupted blocks... :)

    tt> What you are asking for is impossible, since ZFS cannot know
    tt> which blocks are corrupted without actually checking them

yeah of course you have to read every (occupied) block, but he's still
not asking for something completely nonsensical.  What if the good
drive has a latent sector error in one of the blocks that hasn't been
scribbled over on the bad drive?  scrub could heal the error if not
for the ``too many errors'' fault, while 'zpool replace' could not
heal it.

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