On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 10:17 AM, <casper....@sun.com> wrote:

> >Right, which is an absolutely piss poor design decision and why every
> major
> >storage vendor right-sizes drives.  What happens if I have an old maxtor
> >drive in my pool whose "500g" is just slightly larger than every other mfg
> >on the market?  You know, the one who is no longer making their own drives
> >since being purchased by seagate.  I can't replace the drive anymore?
> >*GREAT*.
> With a larger drive.
> Who can replace drives with smaller drives?
> What exactly does "right size" drives mean?  They don't use all of the
> disk?
> Casper

"right-sizing" is when the volume manager short strokes the drive
intentionally because not all vendors 500GB is the same size.  Hence the
OP's problem.

How aggressive the short-stroke is, depends on the OEM.

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