Solaris 10 5/08

Customer migrated to a new emc array with a snap shot and did a send and receive.

He is now trying to set quotas on the zfs file system and getting the following error.

[r...@osprey /] # zfs set quota=800g target/u05

cannot set property for 'target/u05': size is less than current used or reserved space

[r...@osprey /] # zfs list -o name,used,available

NAME                 USED  AVAIL

target              1.32T   206G

target/u02          72.2G   148G

target/u...@1        12.0G      -

target/u03          61.1G   159G

target/u...@1        12.1G      -

target/u04           126G  93.6G

target/u...@1        14.5G      -

target/u05          1.06T   206G

target/u...@1         671G      -

target/zoneroot     3.70G  4.30G

target/zoner...@1   12.9M      -

zfspool              553G  1018G

zfspool/u02         60.0G   160G

zfspool/u...@1           0      -

zfspool/u03         48.8G   171G

zfspool/u...@1           0      -

zfspool/u04          112G   108G

zfspool/u...@1           0      -

zfspool/u05          328G   472G

zfspool/u...@1           0      -

zfspool/zoneroot    3.69G  4.31G

zfspool/zoner...@1    55K      -

He was able to set them all all pools except target/u05. He is also asking if it is safe for him to delete the
snap shot without causing any problems?  target/u...@1         671G

<>      * Gregory D Edwards *
Technical Support Engineer - Operating Systems
*Sun Microsystems *
Phone: 1 800 872 4786 ref case #
Working Hours: 0900-1800 Mon-Fri MST

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