Just taking a stab at it.
Yes. This should work - well mounting it locally through ISCSI - there
may be a smarter way ... ??
Install iscsi client (if you don't already have it installed):
pfexec pkg install SUNWiscs
Then follow the documentation on mounting ISCSI luns on Opensolaris
Cooper Ry Lees
A boring old UNIX Administrator - Information Management Services (IMS)
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
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On 14/01/2009, at 10:17 AM, M wrote:
I currently am sharing out zfs ISCSI volumes from a solaris server
to a Mac. I installed ZFS locally on the mac, created a local zfs
pool and put a zfs filesystem on the local volume. Can I now mount
the volume on the Solaris server and see the data?
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