> Yes, iozone does support threading.  Here is a test with a record size of
> 8KB, eight threads, synchronous writes, and a 2GB test file:
>        Multi_buffer. Work area 16777216 bytes
>        OPS Mode. Output is in operations per second.
>        Record Size 8 KB
>        SYNC Mode.
>        File size set to 2097152 KB
>        Command line used: iozone -m -t 8 -T -O -r 8k -o -s 2G
>        Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds.
>        Processor cache size set to 1024 Kbytes.
>        Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes.
>        File stride size set to 17 * record size.
>        Throughput test with 8 threads
>        Each thread writes a 2097152 Kbyte file in 8 Kbyte records
> When testing with iozone, you will want to make sure that the test file is
> larger than available RAM, such as 2X the size.
> Bob

OK, I ran it as suggested (using a 17GB file pre-generated from
urandom) and I'm getting what appear to be sane iozone results now.
Do we have a place to compare performance notes?

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