I'm newbie in ZFS,  and have question:

how to convert ZFS formated disk back to tradistional Sun disk ?

ZFS formated disk:
# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c3t0d0s2
* /dev/rdsk/c3t0d0s2 partition map
* Dimensions:
*     512 bytes/sector
* 17689267 sectors
* 17689200 accessible sectors
* Flags:
*   1: unmountable
*  10: read-only
*                          First     Sector    Last
* Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector     Count    Sector  Mount Directory
       0      4    00         34  17672816  17672849
       8     11    00   17672850     16384  17689233

partition> p
Current partition table (original):
Total disk sectors available: 17672849 + 16384 (reserved sectors)

Part      Tag    Flag     First Sector        Size        Last Sector
  0        usr    wm                34       8.43GB         17672849
  1 unassigned    wm                 0          0              0
  2 unassigned    wm                 0          0              0
  3 unassigned    wm                 0          0              0
  4 unassigned    wm                 0          0              0
  5 unassigned    wm                 0          0              0
  6 unassigned    wm                 0          0              0
  8   reserved    wm          17672850       8.00MB         17689233

from above vtoc,  ZFS created partition 8,  deleted partition 7,  partition 2 
is zeroed.   

now to convert it back so it can be used by other file systems, such as UFS ?

I tried "type" option from format cmd,  it create the following vtoc:
format> type

        0. Auto configure
        1. other
Specify disk type (enter its number)[1]: 0
c3t0d0: configured with capacity of 8.43GB
<FUJITSU-MAG3091L SUN9.0G-1111-8.43GB>
selecting c3t0d0
[disk formatted]
format> p

        0      - change `0' partition
        1      - change `1' partition
        2      - change `2' partition
        3      - change `3' partition
        4      - change `4' partition
        5      - change `5' partition
        6      - change `6' partition
        select - select a predefined table
        modify - modify a predefined partition table
        name   - name the current table
        print  - display the current table
        label  - write partition map and label to the disk
        !<cmd> - execute <cmd>, then return
partition> p
Current partition table (default):
Total disk sectors available: 17672849 + 16384 (reserved sectors)

Part      Tag    Flag     First Sector        Size        Last Sector
  0       root    wm                34     128.00MB         262177
  1       swap    wu            262178     128.00MB         524321
  2 unassigned    wu                 0          0              0
  3 unassigned    wm                 0          0              0
  4 unassigned    wm                 0          0              0
  5 unassigned    wm                 0          0              0
  6        usr    wm            524322       8.18GB         17672848
  8   reserved    wm          17672849       8.00MB         17689232

# prtvtoc  /dev/rdsk/c3t0d0s2
* /dev/rdsk/c3t0d0s2 partition map
* Dimensions:
*     512 bytes/sector
* 17689267 sectors
* 17689200 accessible sectors
* Flags:
*   1: unmountable
*  10: read-only
*                          First     Sector    Last
* Partition  Tag  Flags    Sector     Count    Sector  Mount Directory
       0      2    00         34    262144    262177
       1      3    01     262178    262144    524321
       6      4    00     524322  17148527  17672848
       8     11    00   17672849     16384  17689232
so does that means that partition 8 is the whole disk now (the same like the 
partition 2 on the tradition disk ?

I also tried fmthard cmd by copying other disk's vtoc to this disk but failed 
wtih return code of 1:
# prtvtoc  /dev/rdsk/c3t1d0s2 | fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/c3t0d0s2
fmthard: Partition 0 overlaps partition 2. Overlap is allowed
        only on partition on the full disk partition).
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