On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 12:05:50AM -0800, Ross wrote:
> Thinking about it, I think Darren is right.  An automatic send/receive to the 
> external drive may be preferable, and it sounds like it has many advantages:

You forgot *the* most important advantage of using send/recv instead of
mirroring as the backup method:

 - Your backup is a pool in its own right that can be imported anywhere

   Detached mirrors don't get detached in such a way that you could then
   import them as a separate pool.  An option to do that would be
   excellent though: detach as pool, with pool name and UUID assigned on
   detach, plus a way to re-attach mirrors detached that way.

Other major advantages of this method:

 - You get to be selective as to which snapshots to backup

   With a mirror it's all-or-nothing.  With send/recv you get to choose
   what to send to the backup.

 - You get to be selective as to which snapshots to delete from your backup

   If you mirror then you lose any snapshots which have been deleted in
   the primary drive.

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