On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 12:05 PM, Glaser, David <dsgla...@umich.edu> wrote:

>  Hi all,
> A few weeks ago I was inquiring of the group on how often to do zfs scrubs
> of pools on our x4500's. Figures that the first time I try to do a monthly
> scrub of our pools, we get one of the three machines to throw an error. On
> one of the machines, there's one disk that has registered one Checksum
> error. Sun lists it as an 'unrecoverable I/O error'. Is it really an
> unrecoverable error? Is the drive really bad (i.e. warrant a call to SUN for
> an RMA of the drive?)  Researching the error message says that you can set
> the plateau of checksum errors before it throws an error, but I'd figure
> that one is too many.
> So, is there a way to see if it is a bad disk, or just zfs being a pain?
> Should I reset the checksum error counter and re-run the scrub?

Well, I believe something as simple as a bad block can cause a checksum
error (someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).  So while one isn't
necessarily going to kill you, if you see it repeatedly on the same drive,
the drive is likely going to let go.

There shouldn't ever be an instance where zfs would report a checksum error
when the drive really didn't return one.  If there were, I'd consider that a
serious flaw.

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