On Sun, 7 Dec 2008, Joseph Zhou wrote:
> Please keep in mind that OpenSolaris and ZFS don't need to be the greatest
> technology today, and we need to respect the older generation engineers'
> thoughts -- it's an evolution of transfering enterprise capabilities to
> industry-standard solutions -- not a revolution that Sun Storage just
> re-invented everything.

I am not sure what you are trying to say.  Sometimes revolution is 
necessary in order for there to be substantial improvement.  ZFS is a 
revolution rather than an evolution.

> And think strategically, is VSS just an API?   Even it is, by some logic,
> but what this API doos, in MS long term marketing strategy and its intent to
> claim "enterprise". -- and how OpenSolaris and ZFS can claim "more
> enterprise", one day???

VSS is an NTFS filesystem feature which seems to only have become 
usable as of Windows Server 2003.  It includes arbitrary limitations 
which don't exist in ZFS.  Clearly you are "sold" on this 
closed-source technology.

To my way of thinking individual components are not in themselves 
"enterprise".  The notion of "enterprise" is that there is a system of 
well integrated components which provide the performance, reliability, 
and maintainability required for mission critical installations. 
Since Microsoft is not a vertically integrated system vendor it can 
only qualify its products as being "enterprise" in conjuction with a 
real system vendor in order to offer an integrated solution. 
Otherwise it is just a collection of parts which may or may not even 
function together.

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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