
Thank you for this very interesting thread !

I want to confirm that Synchronous Distributed Storage is main goal when using 

The target architecture is 1 local drive, and 2 (or more) remote iSCSI targets, 
with ZFS being the iSCSI initiator.

System is designed/cut so that local disk can handle all needed performance 
with good margin, as each one of iSCSI targets through large enough Ethernet 

I need that any network problem doesn't slow the readings on local disk, and 
that writings are stopped only if not any remote are available after a time-out.

I also did a comment on that subject in :

To  myxiplx :  we called "Sleeping Failure" a failure of 1 part, that is hidden 
by redundancy but not detected by monitoring. These are the most dangerous...

Would anybody be interested by supporting an opensource "projectseed" called 
MiSCSI ? This is for Multicast iSCSI, so that only 1 writing from initiator be 
propagated by network to all suscribed targets, with dynamic suscribing and 
"resilvering" being delegated to remote targets. I would even prefer this 
behaviour already exists in ZFS :-)

Please let me any comment if interested, i may send a draft for RFP...

Best regards !
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