On 23-Nov-08, at 12:21 PM, Scara Maccai wrote:

> I watched both the youtube video
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN6iDzesEs0
> and the one on http://www.opensolaris.com/, "ZFS – A Smashing Hit".
> In the first one is obvious that the app stops working when they  
> smash the drives; they have to physically detach the drive before  
> the array reconstruction begins.
> I'm not the only one that noticed it, comments on youtube:
> "It appears that ZFS didn't recover after each drive failure until  
> he unplugged the failed drive? Or was it coincidence that he  
> unplugged the drive just as ZFS started recovering?"
> Reply
> "Yep. its a bug in solaris. BUt if you try and tell a sun person  
> that, they get really pissy."

Why would it be assumed to be a bug in Solaris? Seems more likely on  
balance to be a problem in the error reporting path or a controller/ 
firmware weakness.

I'm pretty sure the first 2 versions of this demo I saw were executed  
perfectly - and in a packed auditorium (Moscow? and Russians are the  
toughest crowd). No smoke, no mirrors.


> In the second video the focus is on the drive when the guy smashes  
> it; I don't see any reasons why they would not let you see the app  
> while he smashed the drive.
> The focus comes back to the running app right after he detached the  
> hard drive.
> -- 
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