On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Will Murnane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 20:54, BJ Quinn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 1.  Dedup is what I really want, but it's not implemented yet.
> Yes, as I read it.  greenBytes [1] claims to have dedup on their
> system; you might investigate them if you decide rsync won't work for
> your application.
> > 2.  The only other way to accomplish this sort of thing is rsync (in
> other words, don't overwrite the block in the first place if it's not
> different), and if I'm on Windows, I'll just have to go ahead and install
> rsync on my Windows boxes if I want it to work correctly.
> I believe so, yes.  Other programs may have the same capability, but
> rsync by any other name would smell as sweet.
> > Wmurnane, you mentioned there was a Windows-based rsync daemon.  Did you
> mean one other than the cygwin-based version?  I didn't know of any native
> Windows rsync software.
> The link I gave ([2]) contains a version of rsync which is
> ``self-contained''---it does use Cygwin libraries, but it includes its
> own copies of the ones it needs.  It's also nicely integrated with the
> Windows management tools, in that it uses a Windows service and
> Windows scheduled tasks to do its job rather than re-inventing
> circular rolling things everywhere.

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