Hello indiana-discuss,

   Recently I re-installed a box with OS 101a - as installer in
   Indiana still doesn't allow to set-up a mirrored root pool I
   installed it only on one disk. However there was an older version
   of Indiana there already installed and mirror was set-up manually.

   What happened after install/reboot is that system used miniroot
   from new system but mounted root-fs from old system, probably using
   2nd disk from the old pool. When I booted from live-cd again and
   did zpool import I cold see two rpools, different IDs of course,
   where the old rpool (mirrored one) has marked the first drive as
   with corruped data (CKSUMs).

   I haven't investigated it in detail but looks like grub/miniroot
   got confused. Perhaps installer should check if it can detect any
   other rpool in a system before creating its own and do something
   about it?

Best regards,
 Robert Milkowski                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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