Bryan Cantrill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 02:21:11PM -0500, Ed Saipetch wrote:
>> Can someone clarify Sun's approach to opensourcing projects and  
>> software?  I was under the impression the strategy was to charge for  
>> hardware, maintenance and PS.  If not, some clarification would be nice.
> There is no single answer -- we use open source as a business strategy,
> not as a checkbox or edict.  For this product, open source is an option
> going down the road, but not a priority.  Will our software be open
> sourced in the fullness of time?  My Magic 8-Ball tells me "signs
> point to yes" (or is that "ask again later"?) -- but it's certainly 
> not something that we have concrete plans for at the moment...

I think that's fair enough. What Sun choose to do is, of course, up to

One can, however, understand that people might have expected otherwise
given statements like this:

> "With our announced intent to open source the entirety of our software
> offerings, every single developer across the world now has access to
> the most sophisticated platform available for web 1.0, 2.0 and beyond"

- Jonathan Schwartz

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