On 6 Nov 2008, at 09:53, Ian Collins wrote:

> Chris Ridd wrote:
>> I probably need to downgrade a machine from 10u5 to 10u3. The zpool  
>> on
>> u5 is a v4 pool, and AIUI 10u3 only supports up to v3 pools.
>> Will this pool automatically import when I downgrade the OS?
> No you are out of luck.

I thought that might be the case :-)

>> Assuming I'm not that lucky, can I use 10u5's zfs send to take a
>> backup of the filesystems, and zfs receive on 10u3 to restore them?
> Same again. You can't receive a stream sent from a newer pool version.

That's a pity. I'm slightly surprised that the pool version affects  
the filesystem/snapshot stream format.


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