These are the symptoms of a shrinking device in a RAID-Z pool.  You can
try to run the attached script during the import to see if this the
case.  There's a bug filed on this, but I don't have it handy.

- Eric

On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 05:18:25PM -0700, Terry Heatlie wrote:
> Folks,
> I have a zpool with a raidz2 configuration which I've been switching between
> two machines - an old one with a hardware problem and a new one, which
> doesn't have hardware issues, but has a different configuration .   I've
> been trying to import the pool on the new machine, so I can back up the
> data, because the old (broken) machine resets (I don't think it's panicking,
> because there are no logged messages) every time I try to tar off the data
> from the ZFS.
>  Unfortunately, the first time I tried to import the pool on the new
> machine, I didn't have the right five drives in it, so it didn't work.
>  After I figured out that I was confused about which was the boot drive, I
> did get the five drives into the new machine and asked it to import the
> pool.  It said that the pool could not be imported due to damaged devices or
> data.   Which is slightly odd, since it had been mounting the pool fine on
> the broken machine before.
> I then moved the drives back into the old machine, figuring I'd at least
> copy some small stuff onto a USB stick (it only dies reading large files,
> apparently), but now the old machine can't mount the pool either, and asking
> it to import gives the same message.   It shows all five drives online, but
> says the pool is UNAVAIL due to insufficient replicas, and the  raidz2 is
> UNAVAIL due to corrupted data.
> Must I resign myself to having lost this pool due to the hardware problems
> I've had, and restore such backups as I have on the new machine, or is there
> something that can be done to get the pool back online at least in degraded
> mode?
> Thanks in advance,
> --Terry.

> _______________________________________________
> zfs-discuss mailing list

Eric Schrock, Fishworks              
#!/sbin/dtrace -s

#pragma D option quiet

        printf("run 'zpool import' to generate trace\n\n");

        printf("%d BEGIN RAIDZ OPEN\n", timestamp);
        printf("%d config asize = %d\n", timestamp,
        printf("%d config ashift = %d\n", timestamp,

        self->child = 1;
        self->asize = args[1];
        self->ashift = args[2];

        self->disk_asize = args[1];
        self->disk_ashift = args[2];

        printf("%d child[%d]: asize = %d, ashift = %d\n", timestamp,
           self->child - 1, *self->disk_asize, *self->disk_ashift);
        self->disk_asize = 0;
        self->disk_ashift = 0;

        printf("%d asize = %d\n", timestamp, *self->asize);
        printf("%d ashift = %d\n", timestamp, *self->ashift);
        printf("%d END RAIDZ OPEN\n", timestamp);
        self->child = 0;
        self->asize = 0;
        self->ashift = 0;
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