Additional Information after continuing to tinker:
  1. After importing the zpool, if I use "root" to manually 'chmod' the file permissions on the zpool's mount point, then non-privilege users can  access the pool.  This alone doesn't solve the problem since all files in the pool need to be similarly updated.
  2. If I create the zpool on OpenSolaris (using -o version=6 for compatiblity), the Mac OS/X system is able to mount the volume but the default user/group is "root:wheel".  Attempts to alter the permissions using "Finder", copy files into the pool, and unmount/export the pool result in a 'busy' device message from "Finder" during the unmount which necessitates a system reboot (system hang/crash if attempt to simply remove the USB device).
  3. Thinking that the issue may be related to "xattr", I attempted to disable "xattr" on the pool using 'zfs set xattr=off'.  This did not alter the behavior in any way.

Todd E. Moore wrote:

Issue:  Privileged (root) account required to access zpool imported from Mac OS/X.

Just installed b119 bits onto my OS/X 10.5.5 system today in an attempt to share VirtualBox disk image files between my Mac and my OpenSolaris (2008.11 b99) laptop.

Install worked well and I was able to create ZFS pools (v6 or v8) on USB memory sticks and drives on the Mac without issue.  Unmounted the volume/pool, exported the pool, attached the drive to the laptop, and performed the zpool import. 
I learned that the uid/gid from the user account on the Mac gets embedded in the pool and the system attempts to use that information when mounting the filesystem.  In this case, I created user/group accounts called "leopard" on the OpenSolaris side.

As 'root' user, I can see the pools mounted in /.
drwxr-xr-x   4 leopard leopard       5 2008-10-17 01:39 a1g_pool
drwxr-xrwx   5 leopard leopard       8 2008-10-16 17:02 a4g_pool

If I run the same 'ls' command as a normal, unprivileged user, the output is a lot different -
??????????   ? ?    ?          ?                ? a1g_pool
??????????   ? ?    ?          ?                ? a4g_pool

A quick Google search turned up similar mentions of this issue over the past 6 months with sharing pools with FreeBSD and others, but no resolutions.  I tried changing ACL-related properties, but I think the issue is more basic and intrinsic to the settings of the base pool.

Below is also a list of the settings reported from a 'zfs get all a1g_pool' command -
NAME      PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE
a1g_pool  type                  filesystem             -
a1g_pool  creation              Fri Oct 17  1:39 2008  -
a1g_pool  used                  314K                   -
a1g_pool  available             952M                   -
a1g_pool  referenced            270K                   -
a1g_pool  compressratio         1.00x                  -
a1g_pool  mounted               yes                    -
a1g_pool  quota                 none                   default
a1g_pool  reservation           none                   default
a1g_pool  recordsize            128K                   default
a1g_pool  mountpoint            /a1g_pool              default
a1g_pool  sharenfs              off                    default
a1g_pool  checksum              on                     default
a1g_pool  compression           off                    default
a1g_pool  atime                 on                     default
a1g_pool  devices               on                     default
a1g_pool  exec                  on                     default
a1g_pool  setuid                on                     default
a1g_pool  readonly              off                    default
a1g_pool  zoned                 off                    default
a1g_pool  snapdir               hidden                 default
a1g_pool  aclmode               groupmask              default
a1g_pool  aclinherit            restricted             default
a1g_pool  canmount              on                     default
a1g_pool  shareiscsi            off                    default
a1g_pool  xattr                 on                     default
a1g_pool  copies                1                      default
a1g_pool  version               1                      -
a1g_pool  utf8only              off                    -
a1g_pool  normalization         none                   -
a1g_pool  casesensitivity       sensitive              -
a1g_pool  vscan                 off                    default
a1g_pool  nbmand                off                    default
a1g_pool  sharesmb              off                    default
a1g_pool  refquota              none                   default
a1g_pool  refreservation        none                   default
a1g_pool  primarycache          all                    default
a1g_pool  secondarycache        all                    default

Todd E. Moore
Sun Microsystems Incorporated
AIM: toddmoore72462

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Todd E. Moore
Sun Microsystems Incorporated
AIM: toddmoore72462

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