Carson Gaspar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Joerg Schilling wrote:
>> Carson Gaspar<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
>>> Louwtjie Burger wrote:
>>>> Dumping a large file from memory using tar to LTO yields 44 MB/s ... I 
>>>> suspect the CPU cannot push more since it's a single thread doing all the 
>>>> work.
>>>> Dumping oracle db files from filesystem yields ~ 25 MB/s. The interesting 
>>>> bit (apart from it being a rather slow speed) is the fact that the speed 
>>>> fluctuates from the disk area.. but stays constant to the tape. I see up 
>>>> to 50-60 MB/s spikes over 5 seconds, while the tape continues to push it's 
>>>> steady 25 MB/s.
>> ...
>>> Does your tape drive compress (most do)? If so, you may be seeing
>>> compressible vs. uncompressible data effects.
>> HW Compression in the tape drive usually increases the speed of the drive.
> Yes. Which is exactly what I was saying. The tar data might be more 
> compressible than the DB, thus be faster. Shall I draw you a picture, or 
> are you too busy shilling for star at every available opportunity?

Sheesh, calm down, man.

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