> I believe the problem you're seeing might be related to deadlock
> condition (CR 6745310), if you run pstack on the
> iscsi target  daemon you might find a bunch of zombie
> threads.  The fix
> is putback to snv-99, give snv-99 a try.
Yes, a pstack of the core I've generated from iscsitgtd does have a number of 
zombie threads.

I'm afraid I can't make heads nor tails of the bug report at 
http://bugs.opensolaris.org/view_bug.do?bug_id=6658836 nor its duplicate-of 
6745310, nor any of the related bugs (all are "unavailable" except for 6676298, 
and the stack trace reported in that bug doesn't look anything like mine.

As far as I can tell snv-98 is the latest build, from Sep 10 according to 
http://dlc.sun.com/osol/on/downloads/.  So snv-99 should be out next week, 

Anything I can do in the mean time?  Do I need to BFU to the latest nightly 
build?  Or would just taking the iscsitgtd from that build suffice?

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