On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 15:08, Bob Friesenhahn
> I should mention that if copying the file causes it to be nicely
> compressed, then you can use this to your advantage.  Your log-file
> rotator can copy the file and delete the original rather than just
> renaming it.  You would not want to take any snapshots until after the
> logs have been rotated since the snapshots would capture the sub-sized
> poorly-compressed blocks.
I agree.  Another option is to leave compression off on the "current"
set of log files (from today, or this week, depending on how often you
rotate) and create a child filesystem with compression on to store the
archived logs.  This is what I do at work, and it does pretty well:
NAME                         PROPERTY       VALUE
local-space/logdisk/oldlogs  compressratio  3.27x
NAME                          USED
local-space/logdisk/oldlogs  80.2G
# tar cf - . | wc -c
So I've got 250 gigs compressed into 80.  A separate filesystem with
different properties is my suggestion.

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