On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 2:06 PM, James Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Johan Hartzenberg writes:
> > I am guessing the answer is YMMV depending on the differences in versions
> > of, for example Firefox, Gnome, Thunderbird, etc, and based on how well
> > these cope with settings that was changed by another potentially newer
> > version of itself.
> The answers to your questions are basically all "no."  The new
> installer wants a primary partition or a whole disk.
> However, there are helpful blogs from folks who've made the
> transition.  Poor Ed seems to have a broken 'shift' key, but he gives
> great details here:
>  http://blogs.sun.com/edp/entry/moving_from_nevada_and_live
> Hi James.

Thank you for the response.  I am going to try it the other way around then
- Install machine with OpenSolaris, then install NV into the pool as an
alternate boot environment.  I have a spare hard drive which I can use as a
sandpit environment.  Now I just need that other little thing called "time"
to experiment.

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