On 4-Sep-08, at 4:52 PM, Richard Elling wrote:

> Marcelo Leal wrote:
>> Hello all,
>>  Any plans (or already have), a send/receive way to get the  
>> transfer backup statistics? I mean, the "how much" was transfered,  
>> time and/or bytes/sec?
> I'm not aware of any plans, you should file an RFE.
>>  And the last question... i did see in many threads the question  
>> about "the consistency between the send/receive through ssh"...  
>> but no definitive answers.
> There is no additional data protection on the stream. The data is  
> verified
> by the receive.  But if you redirect the stream to a file, for  
> instance, and
> then later attempt the receive and encounter checksum errors, then you
> might be sad.  In other words, the end-to-end verification of send  
> streams
> exists, but there is no inherent data protection in the stream.   
> The use of
> ssh tends to work well, because secure protocols also check the  
> integrity
> of the data flowing between machines and will retry.

What about the idea mooted recently here of 'zfs send' presenting a  
final checksum which could be checked by receiver? (Where destination  
is not 'zfs receive'). Worth doing?


>> So, my last question is: If the transfer is completed (send/ 
>> receive), i can trust the backup was good. The "receive" returning  
>> "0" is definitive?
> If the receive completes without error, then everything passed the
> checksum verification.
>  -- richard
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