[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/04/2008 02:19:23 AM:

> Jorgen Lundman wrote:
> > We did ask our vendor, but we were just told that AVS does not support
> > x4500.
> The officially supported AVS works on the X4500 since the X4500 came
> out. But, although Jim Dunham and others will tell you otherwise, I
> absolutely can *not* recommend using it on this hardware with ZFS,
> especially with the larger disk sizes. At least not for important, or
> even business critical data - in such a case, using X41x0 servers with
> J4500 JBODs and a HAStoragePlus Cluster instead of AVS may be a much
> better and more reliable option, for basically the same price.


      War wounds?  Could you please expand on the why a bit more?


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