On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 10:32 PM, Todd H. Poole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can't agree with you more. I'm beginning to understand what the phrase 
> "Sun's software is great - as long as you're running it on Sun's hardware" 
> means...
> Whether it's deserved or not, I feel like this OS isn't mature yet. And maybe 
> it's not the whole OS, maybe it's some specific subsection (like ZFS), but my 
> general impression of OpenSolaris has been... not stellar.
> I don't think it's ready yet for a prime time slot on commodity hardware.

I agree, but with careful research, you can find the *right* hardware.
In my quest (took weeks) to find reports of reliable hardware, I found
that the AMD chipsets were way too buggy. I also noticed that of the
workstations that Sun sells, they use nVidia nForce chipsets for AMD
CPU's and Intel x38 (only intel desktop chipset that supports ecc) for
the Intel CPUs. I read good and bad stories about various hardware and
decided I would stay close to what Sun sells. I've found NO Sun
hardware using the same chipset as yours.

There are a couple of AHCI bugs with the AMD/ATI SB600 chipset. Both
Linux and Solaris were affected. Linux put in a workaround that may
hurt performance slightly. Sun still has the bug open, but for what
it's worth, who's gonna use or care about a buggy desktop chipset in a
storage server?

I have an nVidia nForce 750a chipset (not the same as the sun
workstations, which use nforce pro, but its not too different) and the
same CPU (45 Watt dual core!) you have. My system works great (so
far). I haven't tried the disconnect drive issue thought. I will try
it tonight.
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