On Wed, 3 Sep 2008, Jerry K wrote:

> How would this work for servers that support only (2) drives, or systems
>  that are configured to have pools of (2) drives, i.e. mirrors, and
> there is no additional space to have a new disk, as shown in the sample
> below.

You may be able to accomplish what you want by using an intermediate 
temporary disk and doubling the work (two replacements).  Perhaps the 
server supports USB so it can use an external USB drive as the initial 
replacement.  There is also the possibility of replacing the disk with 
a suitably sized disk file which is stored on some other server or an 
independent local filesystem with enough space.  You could access 
temporary storage on another server using iSCSI.  Server performance 
may suck while the inferior temporary device is in place.

Whatever you do, make sure that the intermediate storage is never any 
larger than the final device will be.

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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