Richard Elling writes: 

> Ian Collins wrote:
>> Richard Elling writes:
>>> I think the proposed timeouts here are too short, but the idea has
>>> merit.  Note that such a preemptive read will have negative performance
>>> impacts for high-workload systems, so it will not be a given that people
>>> will want this enabled by default.  Designing such a proactive system
>>> which remains stable under high workloads may not be trivial.
>> Isn't this how things already work with mirrors?  By this I mean requests 
>> are issued to all devices and if the first returned data is OK, the 
>> others are not required.
> No.  Yes.  Sometimes.  The details on choice of read targets varies by
> implementation.  I've seen some telco systems which work this way,
> but most of the general purpose systems will choose one target for
> the read based on some policy: round-robin, location, etc.  This way
> you could get the read performance of all disks operating concurrently.

Would it be possible to get ZFS to work the way I described?  I was looking 
at using an exported iSCSI target from a machine in another building to 
mirror a fileserver with a mainly (>95%) read workload.  A first back read 
implementation would be a good fit for that situation. 


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