On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 5:19 AM, John Sonnenschein
> James isn't being a jerk because he hates your or anything...
> Look, yanking the drives like that can seriously damage the drives or your 
> motherboard.

It can, but it's not very likely to.

> Solaris doesn't let you do it and assumes that something's gone seriously 
> wrong if you try it. That Linux ignores the behavior and lets you do it 
> sounds more like a bug in linux than anything else.

That if something sounds more like defensiveness. Pulling out the
cable isn't advisable, but it simulates the controller card on the
disk going belly up pretty well. Unless he pulls the power at the same
time, because that would also simulate a power failure.

If a piece of hardware stops responding you might do well to stop
talking to it, but there is nothing admirable about locking up the OS
if there is enough redundancy to continue without that particular
chunk of metal.

Peter Bortas
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