mike wrote:
> Or do smaller groupings of raidz1's (like 3 disks) so I can remove
> them and put 1.5TB disks in when they come out for instance?

I wouldn't reduce it to 3 disks (should almost mirror if you go that low.)

Remember, while you can't take a drive out of a vDev, or a vDev out of a 
pool, you can *replace* the drives in a vDev.

For example if you have 8 1TB drives in a RAIDZ (1 or 2) vDev, and buy 8 
1.5TB drives, instead of adding a second vDev which is always an option, 
you can replace 1 drive at a time, and as soon as the last drive in the 
vDev is swapped, you'll see the space in the pool jump.

Granted, if you need to buy drives gradually, swapping out 3 at at time 
(with 3 drive vDevs) is easier than 8 at a time, but you'll lose 33% of 
your space to parity, instead of 25% and you'll only be able to lose one 
disk (of each set of 3) at a time.


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