> see, originally when i read about zfs it said it could expand to petabytes or 
> something. but really, that's not as a single "filesystem" ? that could only 
> be accomplished through combinations of pools?
> i don't really want to have to even think about managing two separate 
> "partitions" - i'd like to group everything together into one large 13tb 
> instance (or however big it winds up being) - is that not possible?

You could try

zpool create my_disk \
  raidz disk1 disk2 disk3 disk4 disk5 \
  raidz disk6 disk7 disk8 disk9 disk10 \
  raidz disk11 disk12 disk13 disk14 disk15 \
  spare disk16

This will give you 12 (metric) TB which is almost 11 TB as seen by the computer.


When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,
the gentlest gamester is the soonest winner.

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