Hi Robert, et.al.,
I have blogged about a method I used to recover a removed file from a 
zfs file system
at http://mbruning.blogspot.com.
Be forewarned, it is very long...
All comments are welcome.


Robert Milkowski wrote:
> Hello max,
> Sunday, August 17, 2008, 1:02:05 PM, you wrote:
> mbc> A Darren Dunham wrote:
>>> If the most recent uberblock appears valid, but doesn't have useful
>>> data, I don't think there's any way currently to see what the tree of an
>>> older uberblock looks like.  It would be nice to see if that data
>>> appears valid and try to create a view that would be
>>> readable/recoverable.
> mbc> I have a method to examine uberblocks on disk.  Using this, along with
> mbc> my modified
> mbc> mdb and zdb, I have been able to recover a previously removed file.  
> mbc> I'll post
> mbc> details in a blog if there is interest.
> Of course, pleas do so.

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