Well, just an update I suppose since there are people waiting fora review on 
this card.  I bought the card shortly after my last post and it has been 
sitting in the box for the last 3 weeks or so on my desk.  The reason being is 
because the LSI IPASS to 4 sata cables I ordered along with the card are 
backordered and they are expected to ship them to me on the 11th to finish the 
order.    So basically, I haven't bothered doing anything with the card since I 
don't have any SAS drives to test with.  As soon as the cables come in I'll let 
you guys know if anything comes up good or bad.

Did anyone else give the card a shot yet?  I'm running 2008.05 as my home NAS 
box and have been quite happy. I'm going to use some t5700 thin clients with it 
too since the Processor usage on the storage server is so low.
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