On Fri, 25 Jul 2008, Matt Wreede wrote:

> Now, here is the important question: Does mirroring provide a 
> performance boost, or is it simply a way to provide redundancy? That

Mirroring provides a performance boost for reads since a read can be 
done from either side of the mirror.  Theoretically you could get 
twice the read performance but the actual boost depends on many 
factors so it is likely to be somewhat less.  Since mirrors are very 
simple, ZFS is able to schedule reads across disks quite effectively. 
I see a quite considerable boost here.

Besides the boost due to mirrors, ZFS load-shares across VDEVs so 
there is also a boost from more VDEVs.

> is, if I go ahead and force-add the RAID-5 arrays, without mirroring 
> them, I'll have 6 usable drives; double the storage, but ZFS won't

Always keep in mind that the pool can be no stronger than its weakest 
VDEV.  If any VDEV in the pool fails, then the whole pool fails.

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
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