On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Wreede, Matt - PC/Network Technician
> I don't think read speeds are going to be a huge issue, and depending on the 
> boost it'll bring, it may well be worth it for me to simply add the RAID-5 
> arrays as a single drive, and not try to mirror them. The thought of losing a 
> whopping 5 drives of storage makes me sad :(

You could do RAID 10, which would only lose 4 drives, and have better
read & write performance (no parity calculations). You could use RAID1
on the Areca and add the volumes into a zpool for best performance at
the cost of ZFS's error recovery, or RAID0 on the Areca and mirroring
in ZFS, at the cost of higher resilvering times.

On second thought, a zpool made out of 4 zfs mirrors would be the best
of both worlds, but then you lose the hot swap advantages of using the

If the Areca cards have a BBU or NVRAM they should give you good
performance in any mode.


"The good is the enemy of the best." - Nietzsche
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