Toby Thain wrote:
> On 21-Jul-08, at 2:50 AM, Richard Elling wrote:
>> Akhilesh Mritunjai wrote:
>>> Evince likes to fuzz a number of PDFs. I too can't seem to nail the 
>>> problems, but it seems that a number of PDFs from SUN have this 
>>> problem (very wrong character spacing), and they all have been 
>>> generated using FrameMaker. PDFs generated using TeX/LaTeX are 
>>> *usually* ok.
>> Welcome to font hell :-(.  For many years, Sun documentation was written
>> in the Palatino font, which is (or was?) not freely available.
> I have to correct you here - Palatino was a built-in font of the Apple 
> LaserWriter Plus (1986), and one of the very first Adobe Font packages 
> for PostScript, which means it has been almost as "freely available" 
> for printing and screen rendering as Times New Roman. In particular, 
> it has been a part of the core Macintosh screen fonts since System 7, 
> if not earlier (TrueType with identical metrics to the PostScript 
> font). FrameMaker's choice of PostScript Palatino was natural during 
> the 1990s since Sun could be assured it was available to all 
> PostScript laser printers and imagesetters. (Apple's documentation of 
> the period also used Palatino and ITC Avant Garde).

IANAL, but I think you will find that the hardware vendors have paid
a license fee.

Currently, some of the licensing is undergoing changes.  I'm not
involved in that projects, but you might get some sense of the
complexity with this thread:

If you thought open source software was a legal minefield, fonts are
even more Byzantine...
 -- richard

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