Evert Meulie wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'm planning a system which will be hosting various VM's. The host system 
> will be kept small.
> I was thinking of using ZFS on all partitions.
> Does anyone see any reason I should NOT do the following?

IMHO, 15 GBytes seems a little bit small for keeping several
copies of the OS (I presume you plan to upgrade one day ;-)
I'd bump that up to 20 GBytes or more.

>      partition 1: 15GB - host OS (ZFS RAID1)
>      partition 2: remainder - ZFS RAIDZ pool
>      partition 1: 15GB - host OS (ZFS RAID1)
>      partition 2: remainder - ZFS RAIDZ pool
>      entire disk: ZFS RAIDZ pool
>      entire disk: ZFS RAIDZ pool
>      spare
> Wondering about the following: a failure on DISK3 or DISK4 will have DISK5 
> automatically take over. But what about a failure in a partition on DISK1 or 
> DISK2? Will DISK5 also take over?

Yes.  The spare is attached to a pool.  In the case that disk1
completely fails, disk5 will take partition 2, but partition 1
will be gone.  It might be better to label all of the disks the
same and use the spare partition 1s as spares for the root pool.
 -- richard

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