Darren J Moffat wrote:

> Today:
> $ zfs create cube/builds/darrenm/bugs/6724478
> With this proposal:
> $ pwd
> /cube/builds/darrenm/bugs
> $ zfs create 6724478
> Both of these would result in a new dataset cube/builds/darrenm/6724478
> Maybe the easiest way out of the ambiquity is to add a flag to zfs 
> create for the partial dataset name eg:
> $ pwd
> /cube/builds/darrenm/bugs
> $ zfs create -c 6724478
> Why "-c" ?  -c for "current directory"  "-p" partial is already taken to 
> mean "create all non existing parents" and "-r" relative is already used 
> consistently as "recurse" in other zfs(1) commands (as well as lots of 
> other places).

Why not "zfs create $PWD/6724478". Works today, traditional UNIX 
behaviour, no coding required. Unles you're in some bizarroland shell 
(like csh?)...

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