On Thu, 2008-07-10 at 11:42 +0100, Darren J Moffat wrote:
> I regularly create new zfs filesystems or snapshots and I find it 
> annoying that I have to type the full dataset name in all of those cases.
> I propose we allow zfs(1) to infer the part of the dataset name upto the 
> current working directory.  For example:
> Today:
> $ zfs create cube/builds/darrenm/bugs/6724478
> With this proposal:
> $ pwd
> /cube/builds/darrenm/bugs
> $ zfs create 6724478
> Both of these would result in a new dataset cube/builds/darrenm/6724478

I find this annoying as well. Another way that would help (but is fairly
orthogonal to your suggestion) would be to write a completion module for
zsh/bash/whatever that could <tab>-complete options to the z* commands
including zfs filesystems.


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