On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 6:27 PM, Adrian Danielson
> Here is what I have configured:
>       T2000 with OBP 4.28.6 2008/05/23 12:07 with 2 - 72 GB disks as the root 
> disks
>       OpenSolaris Nevada Build 91
> 2.  After enabled MPxIO (stmsboot -e), the 2 root disks now have MPxIO 
> labels, is this a bug with ZFS boot using MPxIO?  I have MPxIO running on 
> Solaris 10 release 4 with none of this behavior (I have 2 T2000's, 1 with SVM 
> root disks and other with Veritas Encapsulated root disks, all external or 
> non root filesystems are managed by Veritas volume management, not ZFS).

Nothing to do with ZFS. Current versions of the mpt driver, used in a
lot of current Sun
systems for the internal drive and for external SAS connectivity,
support mpxio as well.
(Solaris 10 update 4 doesn't have it - it came soon after in a patch.)

You can restrict stmsboot to only enable mpxio on the mpt or fibre
interfaces using
'stmsboot -D mpt' or 'stmsboot -D fp'.

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/
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