> The problem is that size-capping is the only control we have over
> thrashing right now.

It's not just thrashing, it's also any application that leaks memory.
Without a cap, the broken application would continue plowing through
memory until it had consumed every free block in the storage pool.

What we really want is dynamic allocation with lower and upper bounds
to ensure that there's always enough swap space, and that a reasonable
upper limit isn't exceeded.  As fortune would have it, that's exactly
what we get with quotas and reservations on zvol-based swap today.

If you prefer uncapped behavior, no problem -- unset the reservation
and grow the swap zvol to 16EB.

(Ultimately it would be cleaner to express this more directly, rather
than via the nominal size of an emulated volume.  The VM 2.0 project
will address that, along with many other long-standing annoyances.)

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