On Mon, 30 Jun 2008, Ross wrote:

The Gigabyte iRAM looks great. £100 for the basic unit, around £200 fully populated with 4GB.

I am not sure that i would want to entrust my data to a product which contains no error checking/correction at all and loses its memory after a day if the computer is turned off. ZFS checksums and redundant cards would be your ownly means of protection and even these will fail if the power goes away for a weekend.

Gigabyte iRAM seems like a good idea but its manufacturer should be providing follow-up products by now to correct its shortcomings. Since it has not, it seems like a fringe product with no future.

SDRAM (with ECC!) in a hard-drive SAS/SATA form factor with an included removable compact-flash card to provide a back-up on power fail seems like the way vendors should be headed for a transaction cache device. The drive can use a rechargable battery or super-capacitor to provide enough juice so that it can save its state to CF on power fail.

Bob Friesenhahn
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