Thanks both, very good pieces of advice there.  

Wonko, I was about to question how much difference the iRAM will actually make 
with it being on a single SATA connection, but after googling, for £70 + RAM 
it's worth buying just as an experiment.
I'm really not interested in iSCSI, it might be slightly faster, but NFS's ease 
of use means we're definately going down that route.  There's enough press 
about larger VMware customers switching to NFS that I'm happy it'll work well 

At the end of the day I suspect we'll have a setup that's overkill considering 
the load on our servers.  Performance really isn't a concern.  To illustrate 
the point, our current VMware server is a 32GB Sun x2200 running 8 virtual 
servers and half a dozen virtual XP clients of two local SATA disks.  That 
server's barely ticking over, so a pair of x2200's connecting to a 16 drive ZFS 
array via 10Gb/s Infiniband should work well enough.

We're upgrading more for security of the storage than for performance reasons.  
We started off with VMware and the Sun server on a 60 day trial, they proved so 
useful we bought them outright, and over the last few months their use has 
grown to the extent we really need the VM's stored properly now.
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